10 best Russian war movies

In August 2018, multilingual publication Russia Beyond published a list of the 10 best Russian war movies. The list, compiled by Boris Egorov, does appear to be missing some of world cinema’s most notable masterpieces such as Klimov’s psychological horror Come and See, but does include Bondarchuk’s epic War and Peace and Eisenstein’s staggering Alexander Nevsky. For more information on each film – https://www.rbth.com/arts/329058-10-best-russian-war-movies

1. Alexander Nevsky (1938)
2. War and Peace (1967)
3. The Turkish Gambit (2005)
4. Officers (1971)
5. Brest Fortress (2010)
6. They Fought for Their Country (1975)
7. Only Old Men Are Going to Battle (1973)
8. The Dawns Here Are Quiet (1972)
9. In the Zone of Special Attention (1977)
10. The 9th Company (2005)

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