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One of the main goals of the Arthurian section of the site is to make connections with other Arthurian groups and enthusiasts and to help generate interest in the many different areas of Arthuriana across the web. We hope to once again have a new site specifically for everything Arthurian. If you have Arthurian work that you wish to have promoted or would like to contribute/make suggestions for the site then please contact us at

The International Conference ‘King Arthur of Wales?’ hosted by the Faculty of Humanities and Performing Arts at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David is taking place on Friday the 24th of May and Saturday the 25th of May 2019 at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen Campus. The keynote speakers are Professor Dafydd Johnston and Dr Llŷr Gwyn Lewis. The Conference aims to shed light into previously dark corners by examining anew the accepted academic norms, and to showcase the stories, poems and artwork relating to the great King Arthur. For information on how to book a place at the conference –

Our latest Arthurian fiction recommendation, as we continue to add to the Arthurian booklist/author’s page, is Howard Wiseman’s ‘Then Arthur Fought’, an intelligent and plausible fictional narrative for the life of the semi-historical British warlord. It’s not a novel but written in the style of a medieval chronicle showing events that span a period of over 250 years.

“A long and lavishly detailed fictional fantasia on the kind of primary source we will never have for the Age of Arthur. … soaringly intelligent and, most unlikely of all, hugely entertaining. It is a stunning achievement, enthusiastically recommended.”
— Editor’s Choice review of Then Arthur Fought by Steve Donoghue, Indie Reviews Editor, Historical Novel Society (2016)

Buy paperback – Then Arthur Fought (b&w)

Buy kindle (condensed version) – Then Arthur Fought: The Condensed Matter of Britain, 378-634 A.D.

Wiseman has also published, on his website, the final novel of Patrick McCormack’s Albion trilogy, ‘The Lame Dancer’ –

A new Arthurian book series “The Swithen” is by writer, artist and filmmaker, Scott Telek. He retells original legends as they appear pre-1485. His first book, “Our Man On Earth” begins with the birth of Merlin and the second “The Sons of Constance” continues the series up to the creation of the Round Table. A third book “The Void Place” is currently being written and will cover the relationship of Uther and Igraine up to Arthur’s birth.


  • Our Man On Earth at Amazon.
  • The Sons of Constance at Amazon.

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