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Contact Us

If you have a feature length film, short, mini-series or other cinema related work that you would like to be reviewed or publicised by our team of writers then please e-mail us at

The Pendragon Film Society is always looking to increase the size of our film library and so if you feel we are missing a feature film, short, TV mini-series or film poll/list then let us know. We would also be pleased to hear from anyone who has general feedback, suggestions and complaints about the site.

If you have any concerns about copyright violations or offensive material on this site then please contact us and this content will be removed.

As well as e-mailing, you can also contact us by filling in the form below or through these social media links:

  • Film Society Twitter
  • Film Society Instagram
  • Arthurian Twitter
  • Arthurian Facebook Group

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Revised: September 27, 2017 .