The Pendragon Society’s 1000 Greatest Films (2021) 700-681

700 Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
699 Harold and Maude (1971)
698 All That Heaven Allows (1955)
697 Syndromes and a Century (2006)
696 Before Sunset (2004)
695 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
694 The Great Escape (1963)
693 Mother and Son (1997)
692 Holy Motors (2012)
691 La Terra Trema (1948)
690 Songs from the Second Floor (2000)
689 The Crying Game (1992)
688 2046 (2004)
687 All That Jazz (1979)
686 Land Without Bread (1933)
685 Requiem for a Dream (2000)
684 White Heat (1949)
683 Heart of a Dog (1988)
682 Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (1922)
681 To Live (1994)

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