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100 Great Movie Moments by Roger Ebert

For the centennial of cinema, Roger Ebert published a list of his 100 great moments from the movies on April 23rd, 1995. The list is in no particular order but if I had to choose Orson Welle’s memorable appearance in The Third Man wouldn’t be far from the top and it’s great to see Fassbinder’s brilliant Fear Eats The Soul get a mention. The descriptions come from Ebert’s website.

The Great Movies (book, kindle)
The Great Movies II (book, kindle)
The Great Movies III (book, kindle)
The Great Movies IV (book)
Roger Ebert’s Four-Star Reviews 1967-2007 (book, kindle)
Life Itself: A Memoir (book, kindle, audiobook, audio CD)
Awake in the Dark: The Best of Roger Ebert: Second Edition (book)