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Arthurian Authors

This is a list of Arthurian fiction writers from the start of the 20th century onward. If you feel any authors are missing then please e-mail us You can press on the images and names of the authors/books for further info.

Attanasio, A.A. (The Perilous Order Of Camelot Series)

The Dragon and the Unicorn (1996)

The Eagle and the Sword (1997)

The Wolf and the Crown (1998)

The Serpent and the Grail (1999)

Attanasio is an author of fantasy and science fiction. His science-fiction novel Radix was nominated for the 1981 Nebula Award for Best Novel and was followed by three other novels, the four books, together, comprising the critically acclaimed ‘Radix Tetrad.’ He also writes under the name Adam Lee.

Baldry, Cherith

Exiled from Camelot (2001)

Baldry is a British writer of children’s fiction and fantasy fiction. Beside publication under her own name she is the author of some works published under each of the house pseudonyms Adam Blade, Jenny Dale, Jack Dillon, and Erin Hunter. Born in Lancaster, England, Baldry studied at Manchester University and then St Anne’s College, Oxford. She worked both as a teacher and a lecturer.

Barron, T. A.

(The Lost Years Of Merlin Series)

The Lost Years of Merlin (1996)

The Seven Songs of Merlin (1997)

The Fires of Merlin (1998)

The Mirror of Merlin (1999)

The Wings of Merlin (2000)

(The Great Tree of Avalon Trilogy)

Child of the Dark Prophecy (2004)

Shadows on the Stars (2005)

The Eternal Flame (2007)

(Merlin’s Dragon Trilogy)

The Dragon of Avalon (2008)

Doomraga’s Revenge (2009)

Ultimate Magic (2010)

Berger, Thomas

Arthur Rex: A Legendary Novel (1978)

Berger was an American novelist. Probably best known for his picaresque novel Little Big Man and the subsequent film by Arthur Penn, Berger explored and manipulated many genres of fiction throughout his career, including the crime novel, the hard-boiled detective story, science fiction, the utopian novel, plus re-workings of classical mythology, Arthurian legend, and the survival adventure. Berger’s biting wit led many reviewers to refer to him as a satirist or “comic” novelist, descriptions he preferred to reject. His admirers often bemoaned that his talent and achievement were under-appreciated, in view of his versatility across many forms of fiction, his precise use of language, and his probing intelligence.

Borchardt, Alice (The Tales Of Guinevere Series)

Borchardt was a writer of historical fiction, fantasy, horror.

The Dragon Queen (2001)

The daughter of a powerful pagan queen, Guinevere grows up under the protection of a Druid and the shapeshifting man-wolf, Maeniel, until the sorcerer Merlin forces her to fulfil her destiny as Arthur’s queen.

The Raven warrior (2003)

In Dark Age Britain, wild magic and superstitions hold sway. Even now that Guinevere has accepted the power of the Dragon Throne, she faces the threat of the Saxons and must strike first to protect her people. At the same time, Lancelot AKA Blackleg, Maeniel’s wolf-born son, must prove himself as a man and a warrior.

Bradley, Marion-Zimmer

The Mists of Avalon (1982)

Zimmer Bradley was an American author of fantasy, historical fantasy, science fiction, and science fantasy novels, and is best known for the Arthurian fiction novel The Mists of Avalon, and the Darkover series. ‘Mists’ is a retelling of the Camelot legend from the point of view of Morgaine and Gwenhwyfar. It grew into a series of books and, like the Darkover series, the later novels are written with or by other authors and have continued to appear since Bradley’s death.

Bradshaw, Gillian

Hawk of May (1980)

Kingdom of Summer (1981)

In Winter’s Shadow (1982)

Bradshaw is an American writer of historical fiction, historical fantasy, children’s literature, science fiction, and contemporary science-based novels, who currently lives in Britain. Bradshaw’s first published novels were the Arthurian historical fantasy trilogy, Down the Long Wind. These three young adult books Hawk of May, Kingdom of Summer, and In Winter’s Shadow were released between 1980 and 1982. Set in Sub-Roman Britain, the trilogy’s main character is Gwalchmai (Gawain), who must choose between supporting his evil mother Morgawse or his maternal uncle King Arthur. The title Down the Long Wind is taken from a line from Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Idylls of the King.

Canning, Victor

The Crimson Chalice (1976)

The Circle of the Gods (1977)

The Immortal Wound (1978)

Canning was a prolific British writer of novels and thrillers who flourished in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. A six and a half year period from 1968 when Canning lived with his mistress and then wife, Diana Bird, were an extraordinarily productive period for him, containing almost all of his best work, including the first five of his ‘Birdcage’ novels, a trilogy of books for children starting with The Runaways, and the beginning of a trilogy retelling the legends of King Arthur, The Crimson Chalice.

Carmichael, Douglas

Pendragon: An Historical Novel (1977)

Carmichael, a scholar of Arthurian history and legend, primarily tells the story of the first five years of the reign of Sir Arthur of Camelot as he tries to bring order to the kingdom. Portraying the legendary British hero as a warrior king with Welsh and Roman roots. Arthur is advised throughout his struggles by the Myrddin (Merlin) who helps him against rebellion and brings to his attention the adulterous affair between Lancelot and Guinevere.

Carpinello, Cheryl 

The King’s Ransom: Tales & Legends (Young Knights of the Round Table Book 1)

(The Guinevere Trilogy) – Full ebook

Book 1 – Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend: Tales & Legends

Book 2 – Guinevere:: At the Dawn of Legend

Book 3 – Guinevere: The Legend: Tales & Legends

Carpinello is a retired high school English teacher with a keen interest in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. With her Tales and Legends for Reluctant Readers she introduces youngsters to the timeless tales of King Arthur.

Cattie, Ray

Ard Righ: The Sword On The Stone (2005)

The Kingdom of Summer (A Celtic Tale Book 2)

Reign of Fire (A Celtic Tale Book 3)

Shadow of the Grail: A Celtic Tale

Cattie is native of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where he grew up and taught both at high school and college levels.

Chadwick, Elizabeth

First Knight: A Novelization (1995)

Chadwick, born in Bury, Lancashire in 1957, is an author of historical fictions. In 1989, after years of writing and rejections during which her works won some competitions, a literary agent became interested in her book, The Wild Hunt, which was then auctioned to Michael Joseph, part of Penguin Group. A year later the book won a Betty Trask Award, which was presented to the author at Whitehall by the Prince of Wales. Chadwick has gone on to become one of Britain’s foremost historical novelists.

Chapman, Vera

The Green Knight (1975)

King Arthur’s Daughter (1976)

 The King’s Damosel (1976)

The Enchantresses (1978)

Chapman, also known as Vera Ivy May Fogerty, and within the Tolkien Society as Belladonna Took, was an author and founder of the Tolkien Society in the United Kingdom, and also wrote a number of pseudo-historical and Arthurian books.

Christian, Catherine

The Pendragon (1978)

Christian was an English novelist, known for her children’s books and retellings of Arthurian legend. She is classified as having produced 45 works in 85 publications in two languages (English and French) and with 1,019 library holdings. She was also involved with the Girl Guide movement and published several books for girls in the “Ranger” series under the nom de plume of Patience Gilmour.

Clegg, Douglas

Mordred, Bastard Son (2006)

Mordred, Dragon Prince (2018)

Clegg is a horror and dark fantasy author, and a pioneer in the field of e-publishing. In 2006 he began his Mordred trilogy with Mordred, Bastard Son. The novel was nominated for a 2006 Lambda Literary Award for LGBT Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror. It tells the story of a sympathetic Mordred, including a romance with Lancelot.

Closs, Hannah Priebach

Tristan: A Tale Of Cornwall And Brittany (1967)

A novel of overwhelming passion in an age of warring splendour and savagery. By the author of the acclaimed Tarn Trilogy (HIGH ARE THE MOUNTAINS, DEEP ARE THE VALLEYS, THE SILENT TARN). Here, set against the tumultuous backdrop of a medieval age of warring kingdoms and knightly quests, is an unforgettable tale of a forbidden passion that turned the lives of two lovers into a heaven and a hell. (Source –

Cornwell, Bernard (The Warlord Chronicles Trilogy)

The Winter King (1995)

Enemy of God (1997)

Excalibur (1998)

Cornwell is an English author of historical novels and a history of the Waterloo Campaign. He is best known for his novels about Napoleonic Wars rifleman Richard Sharpe. The Warlord Chronicles trilogy depicts Cornwell’s historical re-creation of Arthurian Britain. The series posits that post-Roman Britain was a difficult time for the native Britons, being threatened by invasion from the Anglo-Saxons in the East and raids from the Irish in the West. At the same time, they suffered internal power struggles between their petty kingdoms and friction between the old Druidic religion and newly arrived Christianity.

Crompton, Anne Eliot

Merlin’s Harp (1995)

Gawain and Lady Green (1997)

Crompton is an award-winning author of children’s books. She has raised ponies and goats and painted wildlife. Born to Ethel Cook Eliot (a writer) and Samuel Eliot (a professor) she attended the Academy of the Sacred Heart (now Doane Stuart School) in Albany, New York. (Source –

Drake, David

The Dragon Lord (1979)

Drake is an American author of science fiction and fantasy literature. The Dragon Lord is a historical fantasy or sword and sorcery novel first published in 1979 and revised in 1982, set in sixth century Arthurian Britain. It was Drake’s first novel and he spent six months researching and drafting the plot for another author, Andrew J. Offutt, to expand into a novel. When Offutt declined it Drake developed it himself.

Duggan, Alfred Lee

The Conscience of the King (1951)

Duggan was a British historian, archaeologist and best-selling historical novelist during the 1950s. Conscience of the King is a novel based on the life of Cerdic Elesing, founder of the Kingdom of Wessex. It begins 40 years after the events covered in The Little Emperors (also 1951), set during the last years of Roman Britain from 406-410 AD.

Erdelac, Edward M.

The Knight With Two Swords

Edward M. Erdelac is the author of the acclaimed Judeocentic/Lovecraftian weird western series Merkabah Rider, Buff Tea, Coyote’s Trail, Andersonville, and the compiler of Abraham Van Helsing’s papers (in Terovolas). In addition to short story appearances in dozens of anthologies and periodicals, he is an independent filmmaker, an award winning screenwriter, a game designer, and sometime Star Wars contributor. Born in Indiana, educated in Chicago, he now lives in the Los Angeles area with his family. (Source – Google books)

Erskine, John

Galahad;: Enough of his life to explain his reputation (1926)

Erskine was an American educator and author, pianist and composer. He was an English professor at Amherst College from 1903 to 1909, followed by Columbia University from 1909 and 1937. During his tenure at Columbia University he formulated the General Honors Course—responsible for inspiring the influential Great Books movement.

Faraday, Wilfred

Pendragon (1930)

The scattered petty kingdoms of Britain are under siege. Enemies press in upon them from every direction: slaughter-mad Picts to the north, Irish pirates to the west, and murderous Saxons everywhere their longboats can touch an inch of dry land. First published in 1930 and long unavailable to all but the most devoted collectors of Arthurian fiction, Pendragon paints an original and detail-rich picture of Britain in the early sixth century, one made all the more appealing by W. Bernard Faraday’s flair for striking characters and sly, razor-edged humour. (Source –

Fenton, Alan (The Return Of Arthur Series)

The Call Of Destiny (2010)

The Hour Of Camelot (2010)

Born in London, Fenton was educated at Mercers’ School in the City. Having won an open scholarship to Oxford he did two years National Service in the Royal Air Force. He became a Pilot Officer, before going up to St Edmund Hall to read English Language and Literature. (Source –

Frankland, Edward

Arthur, The Bear of Britain (1994)

A daring and brilliant recreation of the historical Arthur, set amid the savage confusions of the Dark Ages. Frankland’s portrait of Arthur bears the stamp of truth. Not the Arthur of Geoffrey, Malory, or of Tennyson, Frankland’s Arthur is a tough Celtic warrior, the last native emperor of the British peoples as they struggle against the Saxon invaders. By all means, read this book as an example of how historical novels used to be written. (The Historical Novels Review)

Fredrickson, Nate

A Hero’s Heart (2001)

Over the years, the remnants of King Arthur’s realm dissolved while Glamorgan enjoyed a peace and prosperity which quietly echoed Arthur Pendragon’s Kingdom of Summer. Under King Owain and Queen Ellice, justice and peace ruled in one accord. (Source –

Gloag, John

Artorius Rex (1977)

Gloag was an English writer in the fields of furniture design and architecture who also wrote science fiction novels. Later in his career Gloag wrote historical fantasy novels; Caesar of the Narrow Seas (1969), The Eagles Depart (1973) and Artorius Rex, focuses on King Arthur and Sir Kay.

Godwin, Parke (Firelord Trilogy)

Firelord (1980)

Beloved Exile (1984)

The Last Rainbow (1985)

as Kate Hawks

The Lovers: The Legend of Trystan and Yseult (1999)

Godwin was an American writer. He won the World Fantasy Award for Best Novella in 1982 for his story “The Fire When It Comes”. Godwin is known for his novels of legendary figures placed in realistic historical settings, written in a lyrical yet precise prose style and sardonic humour. His retelling of the Arthur legend, Firelord, Beloved Exile and The Last Rainbow, is set in the 5th century during the collapse of the Roman empire.

Guler, Kathleen Cunningham (Macsen’s Treasure Series)

Into the Path of Gods (1999)

In the Shadow of Dragons  (2001)

The Anvil Stone (2006)

Cunningham Guler is a multi-award winning author of historical spy thrillers set in fifth century Britain. She has drawn on a long background of history and literature as well as her Welsh and Scottish heritage to write the multi-award winning Macsen’s Treasure Series. (Source –

Hanratty, Peter

Last Knight of Albion (1986)

The Book of Mordred (1988)

Twenty years ago, King Arthur took his last breath in the company of a young knight named Percevale. Ever since then, Percevale has been on a self-imposed mission to find and wreak revenge on Mordred – the man responsible not only for the death of the king but for the collapse of Arthur’s once – majestic empire. (Source – the back cover, The Last Knight of Albion)

Headlee, Kim (The Dragon’s Dove Chronicles)

vol. 1 – Dawnflight (1999)

vol. 2 – Morning’s Journey (2014)

book 3.1 – Raging Sea, part 1: Reckonings (2015)

book 3.2 – Raging Sea, part 2: Enemies and Allies (2016)

book 3.3 – Raging Sea, part 3: Crucible of Combat (2018)

Kim has been a published novelist since 1999 (Dawnflight, first edition, Sonnet Books, Simon & Schuster), and a student of Arthurian lore and literature for nigh on half a century. (Source –

Hollick, Helen (Pendragon’s Banner Trilogy)

The Kingmaking (1994)

Pendragon’s Banner (1995)

Shadow of the King (1997)

Hollick is a British author of historical fiction. Born in Walthamstow, she worked as a library assistant at a Chingford library for 13 years, during which time she developed a passion for Dark Age history and King Arthur. She wrote her Arthurian trilogy, which was accepted for publication by Heinemann three days after her 40th birthday in 1993.

Housman, Clemence

The Life of Sir Aglovale De Galis (1905)

Housman was an author, illustrator and activist in the women’s suffrage movement. Clemence was born in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. She went to the South London School of Technical Art in 1883 where she learned, among other things, wood engraving. As well as the Arthurian fantasy The Life of Sir Aglovale De Galis, her novels included The Were-Wolf and Unknown Sea.

Hume, M K (King Arthur Trilogy)

Dragon’s Child (2009)

Warrior of the West (2009)

The Bloody Cup (2010)

(Merlin Prophecy Trilogy)

Clash of Kings (2010)

Death of an Empire (2012)

James, Cary

King and Raven (1995)

Micah of Greenfarm, nicknamed “Raven”, is a younger son of a large family on one of the tenant farms that surround Camelot. As a poor farm lad, he is more distant from King Arthur than if they were separated by a vast ocean. But when his beloved sister is raped and murdered by four of Arthur’s drunken knights. Raven swears an oath of vengeance far above his station. (Source –

James, John

Men Went To Cattraeth

The Fourth Gwenevere (Manuscript completed by Caitlín & John Matthews)

The Battle of Cattreath is one of the great unknowns of early British history. A small band of men from the ‘Old North’ of Britain, the Gododdin, mount an audacious assault on the Angle stronghold of Cattreath. Most of the information we have comes from a single poem, the Y GODODDIN, and it is this that inspires John James’ dark, powerful and original retelling of the attack. With stark prose and powerful description, James takes an almost-forgotten story and makes it real. (Source –

Johnson, Barbara Ferry

Lionors: King Arthur’s Uncrowned Queen (1975)

When she was thirteen, Lionors first saw Arthur. Little did she know the consequences of that meeting. The handsome young knight would be declared King of Britain, marry the beautiful Guinevere, and fall to the treachery of his court while Lionors, secretly married to him, would bear his child and wait for him to leave his palace to be at her side in fulfillment of the old prophecy: “You will be a queen, but you will die uncrowned and unknown…” (Source –

Jones, Courtway

In the Shadow of the Oak King (1991)

Witch of the North (1992)

A Prince in Camelot (1995)

This lively extension of Arthurian lore, the start of a projected trilogy, takes accurate cognisance of the various peoples of fifth-century England–Britons, Gaels, Picts, Saxons and the vanished Romans. (Source –

Kane, Gil and John Jakes

Excalibur! (1985)

Kane was a Latvian-born American comics artist whose career spanned the 1940s to the 1990s and virtually every major comics company and character. During the 80s he also illustrated paperback and record-album covers, drew model box art, and co-wrote, with John Jakes, the novel Excalibur!

Jakes is an American writer, best known for American historical fiction. His Civil War trilogy, North and South, has sold millions of copies worldwide.

Karr, Phyllis Ann

The Idylls of the Queen: A Tale of Queen Guenevere (1982)

Karr is an American author of fantasy, romances, mysteries, and non-fiction. She is best known for her “Frostflower and Thorn” series and Matter of Britain works, particularly the whodunnit The Idylls of the Queen. Her major nonfiction work is The King Arthur Companion (1983), later expanded as The Arthurian Companion (1997), the first edition of which the author considered unsatisfactory owing to omissions and errors committed by the publisher; a corrected edition appeared in 2001.

Kemp, Debra. A. (The House Of Pendragon Series)

The Firebrand (2003)

The Recruit (2007)

Kemp was an American author. She wrote historical fiction and drew inspiration for her House of Pendragon series from the Arthurian legends. She published her first Arthurian novel The Firebrand in 2003. It is set after the Battle of Camlann, and features King Arthur’s fictional daughter Lin and her early life as a slave in Mordred’s household.

King, J. Robert

Mad Merlin (2000)

Lancelot Du Lethe (2001)

Le Morte D’Avalon (2003)

King is an American fantasy novelist and former editor and game designer. He also writes non-fantasy fiction as John R. King. He was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and grew up in northwestern Indiana. He knew he wanted to be a writer since fourth grade: “I wanted to be a writer because of The Chronicles of Narnia (by C.S. Lewis).”

Lackey, Mercedes

Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit (2009)

Lackey is an American writer of fantasy novels. Many of her novels and trilogies are interlinked and set in the world of Velgarth, mostly in and around the country of Valdemar. Her Valdemar novels include interaction between human and non-human protagonists with many different cultures and social mores. Her other main world is one much like our own, but it includes clandestine populations of elves, mages, vampires, and other mythical beings.

Lawhead, Stephen (Pendragon Cycle)

Taliesin (1987)

Merlin (1988)

Arthur (1989)

Pendragon (1994)

Grail (1997)

Avalon (1999)

Lawhead is a UK–based American writer known for his works of fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction, particularly Celtic historical fiction. In 1986, he moved to Oxford, England to do research for The Pendragon Cycle, a reinterpretation of the legend of King Arthur in a Celtic setting combined with elements of Atlantis. Heavily rooted in the original Celtic source material which gave rise to the later and more familiar versions of the Arthurian legend, the series has received critical acclaim for its creative retelling of the Arthur legend and historical credibility. The first book in the series, Taliesin, won the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s Gold Medallion Award for Fiction in 1988. Lawhead’s research for The Pendragon Cycle sparked an interest in Celtic history and culture, especially Celtic Christianity, topics which have featured prominently in his work ever since.

Lehmann, Ruth P. M.

Blessed Bastard: A Novel of Sir Galahad (1997)

Lehmann, a former professor from the University of Texas at Austin, was well known as the co-author of An Introduction to Old Irish and as a translator of Old Irish poems and of Beowulf. With her novel Blessed Bastard, she joined a long and distinguished group of scholars who have been drawn to the writing of original Arthurian narratives, either in prose or in verse.

Lindsay, Phillip

The Little Wench (1935)

Manfredi, Valerio Massimo

The Last Legion (2002)

Manfredi is an Italian historian, writer, essayist, archaeologist and journalist. The Last Legion was first published in 2002 and was adapted into a film of the same name in 2007. The story begins in 476 when the Western Roman Empire is under attack by the barbarian armies under the Heruli General Odoacer. Forces loyal to the empire were destroyed and the Emperor Romulus Augustus, a child at the age of 13, was arrested, deposed, and exiled to the island of Capri.

Marshall, Edison

The pagan king (1959)

Marshall was an American short story writer and novelist. Marshall mainly wrote historical fiction, but also wrote some science fiction about lost civilisations.

Massie, Allan

Arthur the King: A Romance (2003)

Massie is a Scottish journalist, columnist, sports writer and novelist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. In Arthur the King, Massie writes about Britain after the collapse of Rome and the arrival of Arthur in the form of a young servant boy, Wart. He is helped along by the Magus Merlin and a troupe of strolling players. Massie finds alternatives to the normal magical elements of the legends.

Matthews, John

The Sword of Ice and Fire (2017)

Matthews, along with his wife, Caitlín Matthews, is an English writer. Together, they have written over 150 books, translated into more than thirty languages, including Tarot packs, a card-based storytelling system, screenplays, songs and other works. John Matthews has been involved in study of the mysteries of Britain including the Arthurian Legends and the Grail Myth, for almost fifty years. He has published over ninety books on myth, the Arthurian Legends and Grail studies, including The Grail: Quest for the Eternal (1981), and most recently The Camelot Oracle (2012, with Will Worthington). His book Arthur of Albion (2009) won multiple awards, including a Gold Medal from NAPPA, a gold Moonbeams award and a BIB Golden Apple Award. He has taught throughout Europe and the United States and has acted as adviser for a number of media projects including the Jerry Bruckheimer film “King Arthur” (2004). He has appeared on the History Channel and Discovery Channel programmes on Arthur and the Holy Grail, and shared a BAFTA award for his work on the educational DVD made to accompany “King Arthur”. He has served as a guest editor for the international journal Arthuriana, on whose editorial board he also sits.

McCaffrey, Anne

Black Horses for the King (1996)

McCaffrey was an American-born writer who emigrated to Ireland and was best known for the Dragonriders of Pern science fiction series. Early in McCaffrey’s 46-year career as a writer, she became the first woman to win a Hugo Award for fiction and the first to win a Nebula Award. Her 1978 novel The White Dragon became one of the first science-fiction books to appear on the New York Times Best Seller list.

McCormack, Patrick (Albion novel series)

The Last Companion (1997)

The White Phantom (2000)

The Lame Dancer (2008)

The story takes place around 520, thirty years after the battle of Badon, and ten years after Camlann. It is told in third person, from the point of view of numerous different characters. Through flashbacks and narrations by some of them, details of the past are revealed, concentrated in the periods before and after Arthur’s great victories over the Saxons.

McDowell, Ian

Mordred’s Curse (1995)

Merlin’s Gift (1997)

McKenzie, Nancy

Queen of Camelot (2002)

Grail Prince (2003)

Prince of Dreams (2004)

(The Chrysalis Queen Quartet Series)

Guinevere’s Gift (2008)

Guinevere’s Gamble (2009)

McKenzie is an American author of historical fiction. Her primary focus is Arthurian legend. McKenzie published The Child Queen in 1994, and its sequel, The High Queen, a year later. The Child Queen won “Discovery of the Year” from Del Rey Books in 1993, and the Washington Irving Medal from Westchester Library Association, NY the following year. The two novels were combined into Queen of Camelot. McKenzie wanted to rediscover Guinevere in her true fifth century environment. “I decided to write about Guinevere because I never understood her. I wanted to make her into someone a 20th-century person could understand,” McKenzie said in an interview. Two sequels followed, Grail Prince and Prince of Dreams, followed by two young adult novels, Guinevere’s Gift and Guinevere’s Gamble. Prince of Dreams tells the story of Tristan and Iseult, and takes place after King Arthur’s death. One reviewer wrote of the novel, McKenzie “explores the vulnerability of women in a violent and patriarchal society”.

Middleton, Haydn (Mordred Cycle)

The King’s Evil (1995)

The Queen’s Captive (1996)

The Knight’s Vengeance (1997)

Middleton has written six novels. Born in 1955, he was educated at Reading Grammar School then studied Modern History at New College, Oxford. After spells as an advertising executive, teacher and editor at Oxford University Press, he has been a freelance writer for over two decades. He has also lectured on creative writing in the USA and Australia, and on mythical history for Oxford University’s Dept for Continuing Education.

Miles, Rosalind (The Guenevere Trilogy)

Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country (1998)

The Knight of the Sacred Lake (2000)

The Child of the Holy Grail (2001)

(Tristan and Isolde Trilogy)

Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle (2002)

The Maid of the White Hands (2003)

The Lady of the Sea (2004)

Miles is an English author, who has written 23 works of fiction and non-fiction. From the age of ten, Miles attended the King Edward VI High School for Girls, where she obtained a working knowledge of Latin and Greek, along with a lifelong love of Shakespeare. At seventeen, she was accepted at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, where she studied English literature, Anglo-Saxon, Middle English, Latin and French.

Monaco, Richard

Parsival: Or, A Knight’s Tale (1977)

The Grail War (1979)

The Final Quest (1980)

Richard Monaco has written several fiction and nonfiction books, including Parsival or a Knight’s Tale, The Grailwar, The Final Quest, Bizarre America 2, and The Dracula Syndrome. He has also written plays, novellas, screenplays, and poetry. Monaco is the director of the Author Development Agency and helped found the Adele Leone Literary Agency. He was also the director of Wildstar Books, the editor in chief of New York Poetry Magazine, and taught for the New School for Social Research and Mercy College. (Source –

Moore, S J

Children of the May

Ides of the May

Balin and Columbine

S. J. Moore is a writer from the North East of England. His acclaimed Children of the May series of Arthurian fantasy stories is ongoing. A novella not part of that series, Untitled Ghost Story, is forthcoming from Salt Publishing’s ‘Modern Dreams’ line.

Munn, H. Warner

Merlin’s Ring (1974)

Merlin’s Godson (1976)

Munn was an American writer of fantasy, horror and poetry, best remembered for his early stories in Weird Tales. King of the World’s Edge, the first Merlin novel, was written as early as 1925. On publication (Weird Tales, 1936) it was compared favourably to the stories of Robert E. Howard, of whose fiction Munn confessed to being a great admirer. The novel starts in the last days of King Arthur, and follows the adventures of Myrdhinn (Merlin) and a Roman centurion, who leave Britain for new lands to the West, and find themselves in the kingdom of the Aztecs. While he had already completed The Ship from Atlantis, the second instalment of the Merlin Saga, in 1941, it was only published 26 years later, when Donald A. Wollheim contracted to publish King of the World’s Edge in book form and also accepted the sequel. The Ship from Atlantis follows the further adventures of Gwalchmai, who sets out for Rome but becomes lost in the Sargasso Sea and encounters a survivor from Atlantis. These two novels are a precursor to Munn’s magnum opus, Merlin’s Ring (1974). The publication of Merlin’s Ring, was the result of a publisher seeking him. Reprising Wollheim’s role, Lin Carter, editor of the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series, learned of it while enquiring about the availability of the first two Merlin books. In the event, it was issued by Ballantine Books soon after the end of Carter’s connection with the publisher, in the interregnum between the Adult Fantasy series and Ballantine’s new Del Rey Books fantasy series. Merlin’s Ring explores the Atlantean and Arthurian influences down through history to the time of Joan of Arc. Del Rey later completed Carter’s original intention by reissuing both of the first two books in a single volume with the title of Merlin’s Godson. Merlin’s Ring was nominated for the 1975 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award and World Fantasy Award for Best Novel.

Newport, Cris

Queen’s Champion: The Legend of Lancelot Retold (1997)

Lancelot’s greatest secret isn’t just a desire for Lady Guinevere…. No other legend has captured the imagination of readers as completely as that of Lancelot, Guinevere and King Arthur. Now, enter a realm at once familiar and completely new.
Britain in the late 400s was a land in transition. With the Romans gone and the traditional pagan ways slowly being replaced by Christianity, a clan leader arose to unite the warring factions against the Saxon threat. This is Arthur’s world. And in this world, Lancelot, raised by the Lady of the Lake, is not one of Arthur’s chosen knights but the consummate outsider: Pagan in a Christian court, the Queen’s champion sworn to protect her against all harm. (Source –

Newman, Sharan (Guinevere Series)

Guinevere (1981)

The Chessboard Queen (1983)

Guinevere Evermore (1985)

Newman is an American historian and writer of historical novels. Her first novels were a historical trilogy about Guinevere. Then she turned to mystery novels set in 12th-century France featuring Catherine LeVendeur, a novice in a convent run by Heloise – though she later leaves and marries.

Nye, Robert

Merlin (1978)

Nye was an English poet and author. His bestselling novel Falstaff, published in 1976, was described by Michael Ratcliffe (writing in The Times) as “one of the most ambitious and seductive novels of the decade”, and went on to win both The Hawthornden Prize and Guardian Fiction Prize. 1978 saw the publication of Nye’s Merlin excursion into the Matter of Britain.

O’Meara, Walter

The Duke of War (1966)

Paxson, Diana. L

The White Raven (1988)

(The Hallowed Isle)

The Book of the Sword (1999)

The Book Of The Spear (1999)

The Book Of The Cauldron (1999)

The Book of the Stone (2000)

Paxson is an author, primarily in the fields of Paganism and Heathenism. Her published works include fantasy and historical fiction novels, as well as numerous short stories. Her best-known works are the Westria novels, and the later books in the Avalon series, which she first co-wrote with Marion Zimmer Bradley, then – after Bradley’s death, took over sole authorship.

Roberts, Dorothy James

The enchanted cup (1953)

Launcelot, my brother (1954)

Kinsmen of the Grail (1963)

This is the story of a love larger than all time and all places. For almost a thousand years it has been cherished and told down the ages. Now for the first time, the story of Tristan and Isolde has been recreated in novel form for the modern reader. The Enchanted Cup is a significant literary achievement, a novel of dramatic power and exalted beauty. (

Rowley, Gwen

Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot (2006)

Knights of the Round Table: Geraint (2007)

Knights of the Round Table: Gawain (2007)

“The legends of Lancelot and his place in Camelot are well known, but in Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot, Gwen Rowley puts a refreshingly unique spin on the myth… An intriguing twist on the famous legend, Lancelot, the first book in the Knights of the  Round Table series, shows a totally different side of Camelot and should not be missed.” (Source – Romance Reviews Today)

Sampson, Fay

Daughter of Tintagel (1992)

Fay Sampson is a widely published author with a particular interest in fantasy and Celtic history. She has been shortlisted for the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize on three occasions and is a winner of the Barco de Vapor award. She is author of The Hunted Hare. (Source – Google Books)

Morgan’s pagan nurse tells the shocking story of Arthur’s conception and the impact it has on young Morgan. (Source –

Seare, Nicholas

Rude Tales and Glorious (1983)

Rodney William Whitaker was an American film scholar and writer who wrote several novels under the pen name Trevanian. Whitaker wrote in a wide variety of genres, achieved best-seller status, and published under several other names as well, including Nicholas Seare, Beñat Le Cagot and Edoard Moran. Under the name Nicolas Seare, Trevanian also published 1339…or So: Being an Apology for a Pedlar (1975), a witty medieval tale of love and courage; and Rude Tales and Glorious (1983), a bawdy re-telling of Arthurian tales.

Shwartz, Susan

The Grail of Hearts (1992)

Shwartz is an American author. She received her B.A. in English from Mount Holyoke College in 1972 and a PhD in English from Harvard University. Shwartz has published several novels and sixty short stories.

A magical retelling of the legend of the Wandering Jew follows Kundry – the harlot who is condemned to wander the Earth for all eternity for laughing at the crucifixion of Christ – the evil sorcerer Klingsor, and Parsival the fool. (Source –

 Silverman, Andrew

The Cynningwydd: The King of the Wood

Andrew Silverman grew up reading D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths and Howard Pyle’s King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, and later T.H. White’s The Once and Future King and Malory’s L’Morte d’Arthur. Other early influences were H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Jules Verne. By the time he graduated college, he knew he wanted to write a “future” for the once and future king. After discovering Frazier’s The Golden Bough and the myth of The King of the Wood, his vision of what form Arthur’s return would take became clear, culminating in The Cynningwydd: The King of the Wood. He holds an M.A. in Literature from Brooklyn College and taught English at Brooklyn Technical High School from 1990 to 2014. He lives with his wife and ten cats in Atlanta, Georgia.

Springer, Nancy

I Am Mordred: A Tale from Camelot (1998)

I Am Morgan le Fay (2001)

Springer is an American author of fantasy, young adult literature, mystery, and science fiction. Her novel Larque on the Wing won the Tiptree Award. She also received the Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for her novels Toughing It and Looking for Jamie Bridger, in addition to receiving the Carolyn W. Field award for I am Mordred. A prolific author, she has written more than fifty books over a career that has spanned nearly four decades.

Stewart, Mary

The Crystal Cave (1970)

The Hollow Hills (1973)

The Last Enchantment (1979)

The Wicked Day (1983)

Stewart was a British novelist who developed the romantic mystery genre, featuring smart, adventurous heroines who could hold their own in dangerous situations. She also wrote children’s books and poetry, but may be best known for her Merlin series, which straddles the boundary between the historical novel and fantasy. In the late 1960s a new generation of young readers revived a readership in T. H. White’s The Once and Future King (published in full 1958) and The Lord of the Rings (published in full 1956), and as a consequence Arthurian and heroic legends regained popularity among a critical mass of readers. Mary Stewart added to this climate by publishing The Crystal Cave (1970), the first in what was to become a four-book series later dubbed The Merlin Chronicles. The book placed Lady Stewart on the best-seller list many times throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

Sutcliff, Rosemary

The Lantern Bearers (1959)

Sword at Sunset (1963)

Tristan and Iseult (1971)

The Sword and the Circle (1981)

The Light beyond the Forest (1979)

Road to Camlann (1981)

The Shining Company (1990)

Sutcliff was an English novelist best known for children’s books, especially historical fiction and retellings of myths and legends. Although she was primarily a children’s author, the quality and depth of her writing also appeals to adults. For her contribution as a children’s writer Sutcliff was a runner-up for the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1974. Due to a chronic childhood illness, Sutcliff spent most of her time with her mother from whom she learned many of the Celtic and Saxon legends that she would later expand into works of historical fiction. Raymond Thompson credits Sutcliff with “some of the finest contemporary recreations of the Arthurian story” and names the seven works listed above. The first two are also part of the Eagle of the Ninth series that attempt to depict Arthur as an actual historical figure.

Telek, Scott (The Swithen Series)

Our Man On Earth (2017)

The Sons of Constance (2018)

The Void Place (2018)

The Flower of Chivalry (2020)

Telek is a writer, artist and filmmaker. His The Swithen series sets out to retell the actual Arthurian legend of the years 1215-1485 over a series of modern novels. Telek is committed to remaining absolutely faithful to the Medieval source literature, adding character development, psychology and connecting material to make the legends readable and relatable, but anything he adds must slot seamlessly into the existing legend without changing it. He plans 25 novels to tell the entire Arthurian legend (minus Tristan) in the full scope and grandeur that it deserves. “The best telling of these stories I’ve encountered in any medium.” –Amory, Audible Review

Telep, Peter

Squire (1995)

Squire’s Blood (1995)

Squire’s Honor (1996)

Telep is an American author, screenwriter, and educator. He has written over 50 books, and written scripts for multiple television shows. He is currently a teacher at The University of Central Florida.

Thompson, Frank


Frank Thompson is an author, filmmaker, and film historian with a lifelong interest in the Alamo. Among his previous twenty books are two on the subject: The Alamo: A Cultural History and Alamo Movies. He has also written many articles on the Alamo for publications ranging from Texas Monthly magazine to The Philadelphia Inquirer. As an Alamo authority, Thompson has appeared in the television documentaries The Alamo (the History Channel, 1996) and History vs. Hollywood: The Alamo (History Channel, 2001). As a producer, he prepared the current video releases of Martyrs of the Alamo (1915), With Davy Crockett at the Fall of the Alamo (1926), Heroes of the Alamo (1937), and The Alamo: Shrine of Texas Liberty (1938). For the latter film Thompson also wrote, produced, and narrated a documentary, The Alamo: Shrine of Texas Liberty . . . Lost and Found (2000). (Source –

Tolstoy, Nikolai

Coming of the King (1989)

Tolstoy is an English-Russian author who is a member of the Tolstoy family, and a former parliamentary candidate of the UK Independence Party. Tolstoy has written a number of books about Celtic mythology. In The Quest for Merlin he has explored the character of Merlin, and his Arthurian novel The Coming of the King builds on his research into ancient British history. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1979.

Treece, Henry

The Green Man (1966)

Treece was a British poet and writer who also worked as a teacher and editor. He wrote a range of works but is mostly remembered as a writer of children’s historical novels, particularly those set in the Viking age, although he also wrote some adult historical novels. Many of his novels are set in transitional periods in history, where more primitive societies are forced to face modernisation, e.g. the end of the Viking period, or the Roman conquest of Britain.

Turton, Godfrey

The Emperor Arthur (1967)





Vansittart, Peter

Lancelot: A novel (1978)

Parsifal (1989)

Vansittart was an English writer. He had 50 novels published between 1942 and 2008 and also wrote historical studies, memoirs, stories for children and three anthologies. Vansittart’s novels span eras from 2000 BC to AD 1986. For several decades he was acclaimed as England’s greatest living historical novelist.

Walker, Malcolm

 The Stone Crown (2009)

“The Stone Crown is one of the best historical novels that I have read in a long time. I became so engrossed in the characters’ lives that the pages just seemed to fly by. Five hundred pages in, and I didn’t want the end to come. This is a book filled with the magic of the Dark Ages and, as a reader, I certainly felt completely entranced by it. It reminded me very much of a mixture between one of Alan Garner’s books and A House on the Strand for younger readers. I recommend it highly; it was a fantastic read.” (Rachel Chetwynd-Stapylton,

 Weatherley, Mike

Pendragon: The Arthur Chronicles: 1 (2017)

‘Ambrosius Aurelianus is a historically attested fifth century A.D. Christian Romano-British soldier. His regiment is one of few defending his Celtic homeland against pagan Anglo-Saxon pirates. In the year 485, Anglo-Saxons murder his wife and parents, while raiding local farms…’

“Some really decisive historical arguments.” Prof. John Colarusso (Anthropology, Linguistics, Languages; McMaster University)

Mike Weatherley grew up in the county of Kent (whose Latin name was Cantium), which was the first part of Roman Britain conquered by invading Anglo-Saxons in the late-fifth century A.D. Born in the Chinese year of the dragon, he always felt an affinity with those mythical creatures, as well as being fascinated with the legends of the mysterious ‘Arthur’, the British hero who fought those first Anglo-Saxons. Despite a career as a scientist, Mike always harboured the dream of writing a definitive version of Arthur’s story. How appropriate that his fifteen years of research on the subject reveal just how closely intertwined the worlds of the historical Arthur and dragons actually were. Having reached his solution to this mystery, Mike hopes his novel has given back to the British people their greatest cultural icon, who was previously stolen from history by writers of medieval fiction and Norman propaganda. (Source – Google books)

 Wein, Elizabeth E

The Winter Prince (1993)

A Coalition of Lions (2003)

The Sunbird (2004)

The Lion Hunter (2007)

The Empty Kingdom (2008)

Wein is an American-born writer best known for her young adult historical fiction. Her first five books recount a version of the King Arthur stories which moves the narrative to the kingdom of Aksum in 6th century Ethiopia. The stories focus on her interpretation of Medraut (Mordred) and his half-Aksumite, half-British son Telemakos.

White, T.H.

The Once and Future King (1939)

 The Book of Merlyn(1977)

White was an English author best known for his Arthurian novels, The Once and Future King, first published together in 1958. While at Queens’ College, White wrote a thesis on Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, and graduated in 1928 with a first-class degree in English. One of his most memorable novels, which White described as “a preface to Malory”, is the first of the OAFK series, The Sword in the Stone, published as a stand-alone book in 1938. It tells the story of the boyhood of King Arthur and was critically well-received and was a Book of the Month Club selection in 1939. In February 1939, White moved to Doolistown in County Meath, Ireland, where he lived out the Second World War as a de facto conscientious objector. In Ireland, he wrote most of what would later become The Once and Future King; two sequels to The Sword in the Stone were published during this time: The Witch in the Wood (later cut and rewritten as The Queen of Air and Darkness) in 1939, and The Ill-Made Knight in 1940. The version of The Sword in the Stone included in The Once and Future King differs in several respects from the earlier version. It is darker, and some critics prefer the earlier version. The war had a profound effect on these tales of King Arthur, which include commentaries on war and human nature in the form of a heroic narrative. In 1958, White completed the fourth book of The Once and Future King sequence, The Candle in the Wind, which was first published with the other three parts and has never been published separately. White lived to see his work adapted as the Broadway musical Camelot (1960) and the animated film The Sword in the Stone (1963), both based on The Once and Future King. In 1977 The Book of Merlyn, a conclusion to The Once and Future King, was published posthumously.

Whyte, Jack (The Camulod Chronicles)

The Skystone (1996)

The Singing Sword (1996)

The Eagles’ Brood (1997)

The Saxon Shore (1998)

The Sorcerer: Metamorphosis (1999)

Uther (2000)

The Lance Thrower (2003)

The Eagle (2005)

Whyte is a Scottish-Canadian novelist of historical fiction. Whyte’s major work to date is a series of historical novels retelling the story of King Arthur against the backdrop of Roman Britain. This version of the popular legend eschews the use of magic to explain Arthur’s ascent to power and instead relies on the historical condition (with some artistic licence) of post-Roman Britain to support the theory that Arthur was meant to counter the anarchy left by the Roman departure from Britain in 410 AD and the subsequent colonisation and invasion of Britain by various peoples from Northwestern Europe, including the Saxons, Jutes, Franks, and Angles. Whyte incorporates both traditional Arthurian names, places and events (albeit in Gaelic or Latin form) as well as the names of various historical figures that have been suggested as being the possible basis for the original King Arthur legend. The tacit implication is that Whyte’s version of history is the true story that has become distorted over time to become the legend and stories of magic that we know today. The series has been published in different locations under three different titles. In Canada it was titled A Dream of Eagles; in the United States it was retitled The Camulod Chronicles, and when it was eventually republished in Great Britain with a different reading order, it became Legends of Camelot.

Wiseman, Howard

Then Arthur Fought (2015)

Howard Wiseman is a theoretical quantum physicist who with ‘Then Arthur Fought’ has created an intelligent and plausible fictional narrative for the life of the semi-historical British warlord. It’s written in the style of a medieval chronicle showing events that span a period of over 250 years.

“A long and lavishly detailed fictional fantasia on the kind of primary source we will never have for the Age of Arthur. … soaringly intelligent and, most unlikely of all, hugely entertaining. It is a stunning achievement, enthusiastically recommended.”

— Editor’s Choice review of Then Arthur Fought by Steve Donoghue, Indie Reviews Editor, Historical Novel Society (2016)

 Wolf, Joan

The Road to Avalon (1988)

Wolf is an American writer of romance novels. Wolf grew up in the Bronx, New York. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Mercy College and Master in English and Comparative Literature in Hunter College. She started writing regency romances then progressed to historical novels, pre-historical novels, historical mysteries, contemporary romances and biblical fiction.

Woolley, Persia

Child of the Northern Spring (1987)

Queen of the Summer Stars (1990)

Guinevere, the Legend in Autumn (1991)

Woolley was an American author, perhaps best known for her historical fiction Guinevere trilogy. She also has written a number of works on writing, such as How to Write and Sell Historical Fiction (2000).

Yolen, Jane

Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur (2003)

Yolen is an American writer of fantasy, science fiction, and children’s books. She is the author or editor of more than 365 books, of which the best known is The Devil’s Arithmetic, a Holocaust novella. Her other works include the Nebula Award-winning short story Sister Emily’s Lightship, the novelette Lost Girls, Owl Moon, The Emperor and the Kite, the Commander Toad series and How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight. She gave the lecture for the 1989 Alice G. Smith Lecture, the inaugural year for the series. This lecture series is held at the University of South Florida School of Information “to honor the memory of its first director, Alice Gullen Smith, known for her work with youth and bibliotherapy.” In 2012 she became the first woman to give the Andrew Lang lecture.

Zettel, Sarah

In Camelot’s Shadow (2004)

For Camelot’s Honor (2005)

Under Camelot’s Banner (2006)

Zettel is an American science fiction, fantasy and mystery author. She published her first short story in 1988. Her first novel, Reclamation, was nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award in 1996, and in 1997 won (tied) the Locus Award for Best First Novel. Writing as C. L. Anderson, her novel Bitter Angels won the 2010 Philip K. Dick award for best paperback original novel.

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