Denmark Results – What is the best European film? Goethe-Institut

 In March 2013 the Goethe-Institut together with Deutschland Radio Kultur and DIE WELT, placed a survey online for the EUROPE LIST project with the “aim… to make Europe tangible for many people while also creating a platform for them to shape their vision of a cultural Europe.” One of the survey’s questions was ‘What is the best European Film?’ 282 people from Denmark took part in the survey. The results, shown below, were published from June 2013.

  • The Lives of Others Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
  • 2.Wings of Desire Wim Wenders
  • 3.Good Bye, Lenin! Wolfgang Becker
  • 4.Downfall Oliver Hirschbiegel
  • 5.The White Ribbon Michael Haneke
  • 6.The Intouchables Olivier Nakache, Éric Toledano
  • 7.Amélie Jean-Pierre Jeunet
  • 8.Amour Michael Haneke
  • 9.La Dolce Vita Federico Fellini
  • 10.The Leopard Luchino Visconti

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